Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Junk of the Week #18

Four packs of poster board - $.25 each
Stuffed Pugs - $.50 each
Rain Forest scented candle - $.50
Nightmares & Dreamscapes paperback - $.25

Yard sales are getting scarce this late in the year, but the weather is so nice it's okay, I'm just happy to be out of the apartment.

The poster board is perfect because I'm having my own yard sale again next weekend and I needed some, since the signs for the last one were borrowed.

I love the two stuffed pugs. They're so cute and soft and huggable. I'm gonna have real pugs some day. When my sister and I were renting a house a few years back there was a stretch of about a month when I figured since we had a yard we could have a dog, and I was completely obsessed with finding a pug to adopt. Then we moved and it didn't happen, but I still want a pug. Someday.

Plus the candle and the book. Nothing to really say about them. Hopefully my own sale will go well this weekend. Last time I made about $17 but I didn't get rid of a lot of stuff. I'm more interested in getting it gone than making money. Anything that's left is going to the Salvation Army store afterwards, I swear.

Well, Junk of the Week is almost over, but there should be a few more through October, I've got some fairs and flea markets to attend. After that I'll probably be done. We'll see.

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