Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Junk of the Week #17

Creative Zen Vision:M (secondhand) - $52

Yard sales were rained out this week so I thought I would feature this eBay buy I managed to pull off. I bought this instead of paying my electric bill, but I don't feel the need to justify the purchase. Just because I don't get to work that often doesn't mean I don't work hard when I do, so dammit I'm gonna buy myself something nice once and a while.

Anyway, my older Creative Zen player has a short in the headphone jack, which makes it pretty useless for anything besides playing in the car and as a storage device. Which sucks because it's barely half full. To be fair, in the four years I had it I used the ever livin' hell out of the thing, at work, in the car, just around. I hate the radio. Radio sucks.

My brother has one of these Visions and it's pretty cool, so I got me one too. There's a little wear & tear one the surface, but the screen looks good and it works fine and I am very happy with it. It took forever for me to finally figure out a fast way to make a playlist with over two thousand tracks, but I finally got it.

It plays videos and shows pictures, too, which is great. It even came with a chord so that I can play it through the television, how wicked cool is that?! If I could just find a way to combine this thing with my digital camera and Gameboy Advance, it would be the most awesome thing ever. Like Cartman's trapper-keeper on that episode of South Park that assimilates everything and then tries to take over the world. That would rock so hard.

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