Monday, September 7, 2009

Junk of the Week #16

Acrylic Paint Set - $0.50
Prisma Brush Markers - $0.50
South Park Christmas Postcards 30 Pack - $1.00
Stephen King Paperback Box Sets
#2 - Christine, The Shining - $1.00
#3 - Different Seasons, The Stand - $1.00
#4 - Firestater, The Dead Zone, Thinner - $1.00
Eyes of the Dragon Hardcover Book Club Edition - $1.00
The Bachman Books Paperback - $1.00
Eyes of the Dragon Paperback - $0.50
Other Paperbacks:
Cabal by Clive Barker - $0.25
Books of Blood by Clive Barker - $0.25
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde - $0.25
Winter Prey by John Stanford - $0.20
Guilty As Sin by Tami Hoag - $0.20
In Silence by Erica Spindler - $0.20
Prophet by Frank E. Peretti - $0.20
The Cradle Will Fall by Mary Higgins Clark - $0.20

I think I'm in danger of getting addicted to buying books. There's actually a word for it, Bibliomania, which is a type of hoarding behavior. And if you've ever seen one of these shows on hoarding, you know how out of control it can get. Seriously, damn. Some of these people need to be in group homes or something for their own protection.

Anyway, I really doubt I'm that bad. But I feel like I have the potential. That was one of the reasons for my huge book sort this past August. I got rid of a lot of books. Well, I'm in the process of getting rid of them. I have to have one more yard sale and all that are leftover will be donated. I just decided if I read a book I didn't like it could go (goodbye, James Elroy's BLACK DAHLIA, you totally sucked), or a book I did like but would never read again, and outside of the Stephen King and Joe Hill collections there is no reason to have both paperback and hardcover copies of books, which whittled down my Dean Koontz stash once I organized it. Now I just need to step up my reading so that I can weed out some more. I'm sure a lot of what I've been buying all summer will end up in next year's yard sale/donation box, but as long as I get one good read out of a book it's worth the twenty or twenty-five cents.

So anyway, yeah, more books. I probably shouldn't have bought that Eyes of the Dragon hardcover, it's a book club edition and I already have a first edition copy (actually I have two right now, anyone interested in one?), it's just that except for a slight tear that Mo's head is covering, it's in pretty new condition and looks better than my first edition, which has a pretty worn & torn dust jacket. So I got it. Whatever.

Those Stephen King gift sets are pretty neat, and all the paperbacks in them are editions I did not have. Set #4 is supposed to have Salem's Lot instead of Thinner, but I have a copy I can replace it with. They will look great on my shelf when I have room to set it up.

I need a bigger home. ::sigh::

Everything else is pretty self-explanatory, I guess.

Well, the season is winding down now. But eBay and flea market last all year long, so there will still probably be periodic Junk updates. Until my mountain of stuff eventually collapses and kills me.

That really happens, by the way.

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