Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Junk of the Week #14

Picture Frame - $0.25
"20th Century Ghosts" Hardcover by Joe Hill - $3.00
"Heart-Shaped Box" Hardcover by Joe Hill - $1.00

Not much in the way of yard sales this week, it looked like rain all day. All I bought was the pop-out picture frame for a quarter. I bought it at an "estate sale" that was really just an indoor yard sale but was really starting to run out of stuff. It was this older house in town in Mechanicsburg, but it was kind of creepy in a weird way I can't quite describe. Maybe just because it was older. Like it had a fireplace in the kitchen kind of old. I went upstairs to see the bed they had for sale, mostly as an excuse to look around. The place didn't look like it was broken into apartments, but there was a whole separate kitchen upstairs, and that really freaked me out, again for some reason I can't quite explain.

Anyway, somehow this experience led me to realize I never included these books by Joe Hill I bought on eBay about two weeks ago, so I thought I'd add them here to make this entry a little more interesting. To me, anyway, and since I'm probably the only one who reads this stuff my interest is all that matters.

I already had these books in paperback, but after organizing my shelves I decided I wanted them in hardback for my horror library, and I found them both on eBay for very reasonable prices, even including the shipping. Both ended up costing less than their paperback editions did new at Borders.

For anyone who doesn't know, Joe Hill is Stephen King's son and a fantastic horror author. "Twentieth Century Ghosts" is a very nicely mixed short story compilation, and his first novel, "Heart-Shaped Box" is a great read, creepy and chilling with great pacing and very strong characterization. I believe his next novel, "Horns" is to be released in February of next year. Can't wait. Check out his website... www.joehillfiction.com

There is a back issue sale coming up at Comix Connection next month where I'm hoping I can pick up some issues of his comic series, "Lock & Key" which is supposed to be very good.

So I guess I have a Joe Hill collection now, too. I hope it has as many books as my collection of his dad's work someday, he's pretty awesome.

That's really all I've got this week.

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