Sunday, June 21, 2009

Junk of the Week #5

Red Milk Crate - $1.50
2 Blue Milk Crates - $.25 each
Jar - $.75
Mini Food Processor - $.75
Ceramic Bunny - $.10
"Night Shift" paperback by Stephen King - $.50
Other Books - $2.00 for 6:
-"Santa's Twin" hardcover by Dean Koontz
-"The Damnation Game" & "The Thief of Always" by Clive Barker
-"The Tale of the Body Thief" by Anne Rice
-"Shadowland" & "Floating Dragon" by Peter Straub

**Find of the Week**
Terrifying yet Adorable Kitten Print in Nice Metal Frame - $.50

I came very close to not having anything for my Junk entry this week. I got up Saturday morning and it was pouring down rain, so yard sale'ing was out of the question. Damn. Fortunately, I had Friday off and had already been around to the five or six sales here in town and picked up a few things. Then this morning, keeping my fingers crossed that it wouldn't rain again (and it certainly looked like it would, the sun is only just now coming out) I finally made myself crawl out of bed early and hit the flea market over at Williams Grove (the one in the old amusement park, photos of which can be found in my DeviantART photo gallery.) I don't usually buy much at the flea market because the things I'm interested in (books, old stuff, etc.) tend to be priced a bit on the high side compared to what I get them for at yard sales. But I was depressed about missing out Saturday, so I went and found the 3/$1 books in the photo, so that was cool. I do plan to read them all eventually.

An example of the higher prices, by the way? I've started to collect the Smurf glasses that came out in the 1980's at Hardees (I think that's where they were, I'll check later). My mom has a full set for me in her attic, but if you knew my mom's attic, that's like saying she's got a set for me buried a thousand feet under the surface of Greenland. I've picked up four of what I think is a six or eight piece set, they average between a quarter and a dollar each. I found some at flea market today that were $5 a glass, except for Papa Smurf (which I still need), that one was $10. See what I mean? I'll keep looking Saturday mornings, thank you. I wonder why I've had such a thing for Smurfs lately. Weird.

Anyway, the milk crates are for -guess- that's right, BOOKS. The boxes and piles of them in my office are getting a little out of hand...

It's not too bad yet, but I think I need to do something while I can still walk through this room. I don't work this week until Friday night so I figure straightening this out should eat up some time. We'll see how it goes.

Anyway, I thought I got a nice deal when I found the red crate for $1.50, then I got to the next sale and bargained the two blue ones from fifty cents each to a quarter. I rule. I also bargained for the jar (which is very heavy with a nice snap-close lid) and the mini food processor and saved a quarter a piece on those. This is why I get up every morning, look at myself in the mirror, and ask the universe WHY AM I SO AMAZING?!?! XD

That was my catch phrase for the week, sorry.

I don't know why I bought that rabbit, it was just cute. Don't judge me.

Finally, damn but that kitten print fascinates me. It's adorable, but at the same time the blood red eyes and little claws make it unbelievably terrifying. Plus something about the black & red matting and metal frame add to its unsettling aura. I'm not sure why. I was scanning the table and actually did a double take when I saw it. I wanted to pet it and scream at the same time. I just said "Huh." And then I bought it. The eyes follow you. I wonder where I'm gonna hang it...

And, if anyone is interested, this would be my SIXTH edition of NIGHT SHIFT. I'm really starting to think there might be something wrong with me.

Here's hoping for dryer days next weekend. Tootles.

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